Thursday, 2 December 2010

Official Snow Day!

'They' had been threatening heavy snow all week, and although we'd already had a covering of the white stuff, none had really settled on the roads and footpaths....however today we awoke to several inches of soft, fresh snow! The first thing I did was check the Campus online to find out the situation at work...imagine my delight at the announcement that the campus was 'dangerous' and that staff and students should avoid coming onto campus! official snow day. The kids school was also closed and mum and dad weren't at work either so we planned some snow day activities.

After wrapping up in suitable clothing we ventured out for some fun in the snow.......snow ball fight, building a snowman, making snow angels......what fun! well it was until Kaitlyn got so wet and cold and started crying.

Luckily there was the perfect way for us to warm up.....the hot-tub really comes into it's own in weather like this. The kids loved eating the snow and icicles from around the tub...yum! and they even done some laps of the snow-clad decking in their swim suits....brave!

After the hot-tub we had bacon rolls and hot-chocolate and sat down to watch scrooge, perfect.

I was glad it was only one day though as i was going a little stir crazy by the end of the day.

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