Saturday, 18 April 2009

Happy Birthday

The kids were invited to 3 birthday parties in 2 days. To start with I was determined that they wouldn't eat anything that would send them wild, but by the end of the 2 days this proved to be impossible.

The first of the parties was Heather's, who was 4. This was held at her house and featured traditional party games and face painting.

Facepainting courtesy of Naomi...bargain!

Next came Joshua and Dylan's joint party at Snappys. Josh was 4 and Dylan 1. How cost effective to have your children's birthdays close together.

Then came Bobby's party. Bobby, aged 3, is a friend of Kaitlyn's from a toddler group I take her to. Kaitlyn always gets excited about seeing him, but then spends an hour ignoring him. Luckily James was invited too. Bobby had a Disco party at the Reculver Club, James said it was the best party ever! Unfortunately lots of sweets were consumed and the day after both kids were bouncing of the walls!

Dancing to 'Superman'!

Playing musical Chairs

1 comment:

Ford Family said...

I hate it when my kids eat loads of rubbish at parties- then complain of a tummy ache or won't go to sleep at bedtime! Guess it's all part of childhood!