Wednesday 10 December 2008

Carols by Candlelight

I was very pleased to get tickets for the University's Carol Service held at Canterbury Cathedral. They were strictly limited to 2 tickets per member of staff, so I asked my mum to accompany me. We arrived at the Cathedral and were issued with a candle and a booklet of the words to be sung and spoken.

The Salvation Army Band were playing as we entered. Our candles were lit and the lights dimmed. There were a number of readings from the bible; some performances by the university choirs; and lots of carols to join in with....I love Christmas carols. We sung 'Once in Royal David's City', 'Silent Night', 'Hark the herald Angels Sing' amongst others, we finished with 'O Come all ye Faithful'. The building was full and it was nice to see so many young people enjoying traditional carols and listening to the story of the first Christmas. At the end we all left the building with our candle lit....a Health and Safety jobsworth's was beautiful, and I didn't mind the hot wax dripping down my hand one bit!

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Sounds lovely. I'm loving the new picture of Kaitlyn. I don't know why you are so judgemental about her style.