Thursday, 11 December 2008

Quiz Masters!

It was the night of the Ducklings Quiz - to raise funds for the playgroup. This was organised by Kathy and her family. I'm generally quite rubbish at quizzes, but do really enjoy them as a night out. There were 5 Teams and I was on a team with Kathy and Emma from the playgroup and my sister Carly.

Between us we actually managed to come up with quite a lot of correct answers - one of my contributions was the answer to the question 'what is Taurophobia?' - I know this to be the fear of bulls - doesn't every one have a fear of bulls? I knew this answer from the 'mighty Tauro's' in the film 'bring it on' whose mascot is a bull....I always knew this film was educational!

Kathy did really well with her contributions and Carly impressed us all with her answer about a test to diagnose colour blindness. Unfortunately we were really rubbish at the sport round....well we were 4 females... in this round we only scored 2.5 out of a possible 20 points. Anyway we managed to come second - to a team of six who did have some male 'sport knowalls', so I think we did really well.

It was a really fun evening and we managed to raise £320 for the playgroup.


Naomi said...

I knew you were good for something. Only joking. I bet you and Carly felt sick at coming second. Have you been disinherited?

Jo Bembridge said...

Probably...I'm actually not as competitive as the rest of them... 2nd suits me just fine